Enter to win our monthly lure giveaway by signing up for the First Fishing Friday email Newsletter below! http://eepurl.com/c3lUen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.VIDEO PICK OF THE MONTH Montana has a new state record Brown Trout! check out the videos below! 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET7Uj...
3.UPSCALE LURES NEWS OF THE MONTH After piling up prototype after prototype after porotype I'm finally getting the form factor dialed in! \
4.CATCH OF THE MONTH: Email us your fish for a chance to be featured in the next newsletter & F3 Show! This would be the first fish pic I posted on Instagram back in 2015. Even small Bass will take on our Nifty Fifty Spinner!
5.FEATURED ITEM OF THE MONTH We're all stocked up and ready to rock! I freshly poured up some Brendan Miller Spiked Worms! Stock up before the fishing gets hot! Whether it's on a Bass jig, Texas rig, or drop shot the Brendan Miller Spiked Worm is sure to get bit! 1.https://www.upscalelures.com/collecti... 6. SURVEY OF THE MONTH Take our short Googan Squad survey below! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QK6FFRC
7.THIS MONTHS LURE GIVEAWAY WINNER IS (If your email ends with) dewww@gmail.com CONGRATULATIONS! Please send us your address and we'll get your lure shipped out ASAP. If you have any luck with your new lure show off your catch, we would love to see it! Make sure to check out next months newsletter to see if you won!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter to win our monthly lure giveaway by signing up for the First Fishing Friday email Newsletter below! http://eepurl.com/c3lUen
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